

Govt. Aided General Degree College. Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

Faculty Profile - Swagatalakhsmi Basu

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2. 2. Diaspora Literature, Identity Beyond Borders - “ Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River. A Narratology of Time and Transnationalism ”. ISBN: 9788195962525 . 2022. 3. International Journal of English and Social Sciences - “ Exploring the Bond between Man and Nature in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide ” ( ISSN: 2456 - 7620): Vol - 5, Issue - 5, pg: 1353 - 1355. 8 th September, 2020. I have interest in Art, Music , Writ ing & Traveling . Recitation i s my Passion. Gardening is my Hobby. Thank you. Swagatalakshmi Basu. SACT II. Department of English. Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya. Purba Medinipur, Amdabad. West Bengal.

1. Name: Swagatalakshmi Basu Qualification: M.A in Englis h ( Mahishadal Raj College, VU ). B.ed ( Kabi Sukanta Secondary Teachers Training Institute, WB UTT E P AA); PGCTE ( Post Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English) ( English and Foreign language University, Hyderabad ). Job: I am currently working as State aided College Teacher at Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, Amdabad, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. Gmail: swagatalakhsmi22@gmail.com Contact number: 7047411468. Research interest: Diaspora Stud ies, Memory Studies, & Blue Humanities. Paper presentation : 1. State level seminar on Humanist Sir Asusthosh Mukherjee and His Biography. My paper on An Educationist Sir Asusthosh Mukherjee and his Biography. 2013. Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya. 2. International Symposium on Indo - Caribbean and Afro - Caribbean Literature – Texts and Contexts. My paper on The Pervasiveness of History in Derek Walcott’s Poem The Sea is History . 2016 . Mahishadal Raj College. 3. International Symposium on New Trends in Anglophone Fiction: My paper on Res istance and Tribal Identity in Hansda Souvendra Shekhar’s The Adivasi Will Not Dance . 2017 . Mahishadal Raj College. 4. International symposium on Indian Literary Aesthetics classical to Postcolonial: My paper on Aesthetics of Subalternity in Arundhati Roy’ God of Small Things. 2018. Mahishadal Raj College. 5. International Seminar on Rethinking Rabindranath: Modernity, Coloniality, Decoloniality . My paper on Representation on melodious Humanism in Tagore’s Song. 2020. Jadavpur University. 6. Virtual International Conference on Multiple Dimensions of South Asian Literary Imagination: Classic to Contemporary. My paper on Climate crisis and Translational migration in Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island. 202 0. Royal University of Bhutan Yonphula Centenary college. Publications : Book name - 1. The Empire and After. “ Arundhati Roy’ God of Small Things : Voice of Subaltern Women”. ISBN 978 - 93 - 90588 - 07 - 7 I . 2021.


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