

Govt. Aided General Degree College. Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

SJM College Prospectus 2021

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College Prospectus 2021

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1. PROSPECTUS 2021 - 2022 Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya A Govt. aided general degree college, affiliated to Vidyasagar University

12. 11 M AGAZINE Different departments publish a wall magazine annually to encourage the blooming writers of the college. The department of Bengali publishes Srijoni; English publishes Rolling Stones; Geography publishes Blue Planet, and Sociology publishes Dishari. E XCURSION Different departments of this college regularly organize the excur sions for the students whenever required. S CHOLARSHIPS & S TIPENDS Eligible students get different scholarships/stipends regularly like Merit - cum means scholarship and Kanyashree from Govt. of W. B., Post Matric Scholarship for SC, ST, OBC A& B, physically challenged students, financial assistance from Jindal Foundation etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ END ----------------------------------------------------------------------

11. 10 I DENTITY CARD After admission a student is required to get an identity Card signed by the principal of the colleg e. The identity Card is a proof of his/her status as a student at this college. The possession of identity Card on the student’s person during college hours is mandatory. D RESS CODE For boys: sky blue shirt with black trousers. For girls: white saree with blue border/sky blue Kameez (top) and white Salwar(lower/bottom). F ACILITIES AND RESOURCES L IBRARY The college has a well - furnished library with more than 3000 books for helping the students. The books are mostly course books/subject oriented books which provide enough opportunity with the students for reading. Those students who are unable to purchase books due to financial constraints may borrow these for their studies. The library catalogue has also been digitized for the benefit of the students and the staff. S PORTS FACILITIES The college provides facilities for indoor as well as outdoor games to its students. Students regularly practice in the playground under the supervision of the teacher of Physical Education. Students successfully compete in Inter College Sports Meets and Inter College Football tournaments. The Annual sports competition helps recognize the most talented sports prospects of the college. S OCIAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Social and cultural competitions take place in the college at different times of the year. Some of the major events are Nabinbaran, Annual Cultural Programme, Saraswati Puja, Rakhibandhan, publication of wall magazine, etc. Students of this college also participate in debates, symposia, music, painting, recitation, clay modelling etc. in the inter college cultural competition at the university. C ANTEEN The college has a canteen in the college campus to provide snacks and wholesome meals at a reasonable rate . NSS The college has introduced the NSS unit to train the s tudents and boost their physical and mental health. Various personality development and several social service programmes are held under the supervision of the staff to ensure active participation of the students throughout the year. The NSS volunteers par ticipate in different co - curricular activities such as blood donation camps, tree plantation drives, Thalassemia test and awareness drives, medical care for local people etc.

3. 2 V ISION Our vision is to be an institution with an impeccable reputation of providing quality higher education to the underprivileged youth of rural Bengal. The idea is not merely to create good students, but also competent professionals and independent individuals who would inspire the future generations. • To make quality higher education accessible to all, irrespective of their socio - economic status. • To provide new and innovative forms of learning at par with the global academic scenario. • To encourage the students to pursue higher education and research in their respective fields. • To motivate the students in general to manifest their latent talents and ideas, and inculcate ideal habits, a love for learning, and human values. • To help the students of the locality grow into responsible citizens of India in the future. • To empower the students to cope with the challenges of practical life by providing them with a holi stic education.

2. 1 I NTRODUCTION Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, a Govt. Aided General Degree College was established in 2014 with the approval of the Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal. The institution began its journey on 30th January 2015 after receiving affiliation from Vid yasagar University. Since then , this newly established college is proudly imparting education in this rural locality where the ray of higher education had seldom reached before. The Bhaumik Family of Amdabad was instrumental in founding this college throu gh their generous sacrifice, nobility and all - out devotion to achieve this goal. Dr. Anindya Kisor Bhaumik, retired Principal and the youngest son of Swarnamoyee and Jogendranath Bhaumik, deserves special mention as he pioneered the establishment of this c ollege in the revered memory of his parents and with the constant co - operation of his eldest brother Sri Amulyaratan Bhaumik, former Headmaster, social worker and freedom fighter; the second son Dr . Probodh Kumar Bhaumik, the former Head of the Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta; the third son Sri Subodh Kumar Bhaumik, retired Headmaster; the second daughter Smt . Renuka Jana, a retired headmistress, and their sons and daughters. In addition, the donations, bounties and multiple assistances o f the neighbouring families are highly appreciated. It is must to mention that the late Jogendranath Bhaumik, a great educationist, an immensely broad - minded man, and a social worker of great repute, led the way to spread education in backward rural areas by establishing as many as fourteen schools including the well - known Amdabad High School which originated during the British rule in India. To commemorate the memory of this visionary man and his wife Swarnamoyee, an ideal woman and a kind - hearted, affecti onate mother, who was also the source of inspiration for all such benevolent activities, this college has been set up with a special view of enlightening this rural territory which had fallen behind in today’s race for progress and development. L OCATION T he site of the college has a charming view of lush green fields and is located amidst a luxuriant landscape. While the college is currently functioning from its temporary building, a sanctioned magnificent building with picturesque views is already under c onstruction. It will come up right next to a metalled road passing through green crop fields, amidst enchanting views of nature in a serene environment. Far from the madding crowd, the ambience of the college resembles that of ‘Shantiniketan’. The college is well connected to the neighbouring towns of Henria, Chandipur, Contai, Digha, Haldia, Tamluk and Kolkata.

9. 8 Moreover, this department performs plays, songs etc in Sanskrit in various programmes of the college. The Sanskrit Department als o teaches the students how to converse in Sanskrit. In addition, the Sanskrit Department individually helps out relatively weaker students. The teachers regularly conduct class tests and mock tests before the university exams and provide study material to the students to stand them in good stead. Faculty: Dr. Parimal Mandal (MA, PhD), Prasad Ranjan Chakrabarti (MA), Narugopal Das (MA, MPhil) . Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 3 3 2 1 2019 9 7 3 3 2018 6 5 1 1 Future scope for graduates : After completion of graduation in Sanskrit, students can pursue their career in many job roles such as teacher, researcher, cataloguer, officer in archive department/museum, Sanskrit translator/interpreter, civil services office r (WBCS, UPSC, Railway Department, etc.), journalist etc. D EPARTMENT OF S OCIOLOGY The Department of Sociology started its journey with the establishment of the college in 2015 with teaching at Pass Course level. Teaching at Undergraduate Honours Level sta rted from 2016 with the aims to engender analytical and critical thinking among its students. In 2017 the Department started its first wall magazine Dishari to encourage the creative faculties of the pupils. The department is making every effort to establi sh itself in a way where every student can stand out in whichever field they wish to pursue. Faculty: Sanjit Debnath (MA, BEd), Sweta Bera (MA, BEd), Atin Kumar Maity (MA) . Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 4 4 4 0 2019 7 7 1 0 Future scope for graduates : Careers in sociology are both effective and satisfying. Students can opt for a career as a teacher, social worker, policy analyst, rehabilitation counsellor, public relation specialist, human right specialist, official at judicial affairs or health sector. 100% Pass 33% First Class 100% Pass 100% above 50%

4. 3 F ROM PRESIDENT ’ S DESK Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world . – Nelson Mandela All of us aspire to be successful in life and success comes in various forms. But the common element to success is education. Sadly, not everyone has the privilege to access to the right education. We are committed to remove that barrier and bring higher e ducation to the local community. We believe, this can bring right changes in the society and can help the youngsters in making their future, empowering their community and make a positive impact. A step towards that dream was realised with the establishme nt of this very institution. Our goal is to expand and excel at all levels with increasing focus on research which can impact the local community, through technological innovation in agriculture, uplifting socio - economic fabric, preserving traditions, cult ure, and language. To this end, we are hopeful to expand by bringing agricultural, fisheries and technology education. Remote locations such as ours often suffer from infrastructure. But we are breaking the barrier through technology by bringing the latest digital learning and teaching infrastructure that is comparable to many academic institutions across the world. O ur students, although hailing from remote locations and often underprivileged, should have access to the most advanced technology and feel no inferiority at world stage. The journey has begun , and I take this opportunity to thank the members of this locality, my elders and family members, current and past staffs, and importantly the students in this endeavour . Dr. Anindya Kishor Bhaumik (Founder and P resident) P RINCIPAL ’ S MESSAGE Awake, arise, and stop not till the goal is reached . -- Swami Vivekananda The college was established with a vision to empower the youth of the surrounding area as they lacked the opportunity to pursue higher education. Earlier, after their Higher Secondary Examination most of the underprivileged boys & girls were unable to purs ue higher education in distant colleges due to poverty and lack of communication to the towns from the remote neighbouring villages. Many of the meritorious students from the neighbouring schools lagged behind due to unavailability of resources, guidance , and institutional support to enhance their knowledge to face the world beyond their homes. Though the college is still at its nascent stage and faced several obstacles like financial constraints, we are trying our best to overcome all hurdles and advance far ahead with the sole objective of providing quality education to the youth and make responsible citizens and successful professionals out of our eager young students. The ultimate mission of the college is to provide holistic education that not only con tribute to the students’ professional success, but also boost their confidence and develop their personalities, to enhance their creativity and to inculcate moral and ethical values in them. We endeavour our best to create an atmosphere that is conducive t o learning, thus making this institution a successful establishment for bringing about real social change. Dr. Ratan Kumar Samanta (Principal)

8. 7 D EPARTMENT OF H ISTORY The department of history began its journey with the inception of the college in 2015. It currently offers a general course t o the students and at present there is one Full - Time Faculty member in the department. The primary objective of the department is to spread awareness regarding the importance of history as a discipline and its scope in the job market to help the students a chieve their goals. Faculty: Moyazzem Hossain Mondal (MA, BEd) . Future scope for graduates : History provides opportunities to understand the past that can help to shape the future. Career prospects for graduates in History includes various job roles such as teacher, civil servants, journalist, writer or editor, solicitor, curator, archivist, heri tage manager etc. D EPARTMENT OF P HILOSOPHY Philosophy ( in Greek ‘ philosophia ’ means ‘ love of wisdom ’ ) as an academic subject offers the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about reason, existence, knowledge, values, mind , and language. Philosophy was introduced as a general degree subject in this institution in 2016 and performed well over the years. Faculty: Nanigopal Das (MA) . Future scope for graduates : A degree in Philosophy provides career opportunities in many sectors ranging from specialist in human resources ( HR ) , interviewer, consultant, student affairs, public service, journalism, research, diplomacy etc. D EPARTMENT OF P OLITICAL S CIENCE The Department of Political Scie nce is the oldest department offering a general course among the humanities disciplines of the college. The department started its humble beginning in the year 2015, when it was 3 - Tier a nnual system. This department is well - known for its good academic resu lts, strict discipline and various extra - curricular activities. Our department guarantees absolute attention and dedication towards overall development of the students into responsible future citizens of our country. Faculty: Rupali Samanta (MA, M Phil, BEd ) . Future scope for graduates : Political science is the study of political values, policies institution, process of people and societies. After graduating one can look for jobs in both govt (public) and private sector, especially in civil services (Indian Administrative service, Indian foreign services), teaching, journalism, policy analysis, role of political scientist, secretary to various govt. departments and agencies, election and campaign manager etc. D EPARTMENT OF S ANSKRIT Since the establishment of the college, the department of Sanskrit offered B.A. General and Honours for the students. The Sanskrit Department has done well in the University Exams from its inception. Presently, the Sanskrit Department of this college is being guided by two Assistan t Professors and one State aided college teacher (SACT - 1). Every year, this Department publishes a wall magazine, Mandakranta.

10. 9 A DMINISTRATION M EMBERS OF THE G OVERNING B ODY Name Designation Name Designation Dr. Anindya Kishor Bhaumik President Smt. Pujashree Chatterjee Vidyasagar University Nominee Dr.Ratan Kumar Samanta Principal Dr . Dwijasish Bhowmik Trustee Nominee Shri Tarapada Khatua Government Nominee Shri Prasad Ranjan Chakrabarti Teachers’ Representative Shri Amrit Ranjan Acharya Government Nominee Dr. Durba Basu Teachers’ Representative Smt. Dolly Bhowmik W.B.S.C. Higher Education Smt. Hiya Chatterjee Teachers’ Representative Dr. Swapan Kumar Mishra Vidyasagar University Nominee Shri Subrata Bera Non - Teaching Staff’s Representative N ON - T EACHING S TAFF Name Designation Shri Sunil Kumar Adak Actg. Head Clerk Shri Subrata Bera Clerk Shri Binoy Krishna Gayen Clerk Shri Gopal Mula Clerk Shri Pradip Kumar Das Peon Shri Sujan Kumar Majhi Peon R ULES AND REGULATION A DMISSION Admission to the 1st year Degree Course begins after publication of the results of the Higher Secondary Examination. The exact date for admission is announced through notice on the college Notice Board and college website: https://sjmahavidyalaya.in/ A student who is admitted to the 1st semester of studies but does not attend any class for 15 consecutive days from the date of commencement of the classes may not be allowed to attend further classes and his/her sea t may be declared vacant. A TTENDANCE It is obligatory on the part of the students to attend classes regularly and punctually. Wilful absence from the class - room lecture will be treated as a serious infringement of college discipline. As a rule, each studen t is required to attend minimum 75% of the total lectures delivered in each subject in an academic session as per Vidyasagar University rules.

6. 5 D EPARTMENT OF B OTANY Botany is the scientific study of plants that includes a wide range of living organisms from the smallest bacteria to the largest living things the giant sequoia trees. The department of Botany began functioning in 2017 and it currently offers a general course to the students. The department has great prospects for future growth amidst the rural surrounding of the college, rich in biodiversity. The students are actively encouraged to participate in academic as well as co - curricular activities of the college. Faculty: Nayan Kr. Giri (MSc). Future scope for graduates: After completion of the undergraduate degree students can pursue career in the various job roles such as plant explorer. c onservationist, e cologist, environment consultant, h orticulturist, plant biochemist, n ursery manager, e nvironmental consultant, and fa rming consultant. Other job opportunities are available in t eaching ; a griculture ; f orensic science ; and f orest department (IFS, r anger and other) . D EPARTMENT OF E DUCATION The Department of Education started its journey in the year 2015 at our college. The department encourages the students for self - evaluation, personal development & helps them strive towards perfection and competence. The department provides an excellent teaching and learning environment with its focus on continuing education. The teachers also motivate the students by providing platform like group discussion, debate on various subjects. Apart from studies we also inspire our students to participate in various co curriculum activates like tree plantation, NSS, and different type s of indoor and outdoor games which can help them express their talents. Last but not the least, our aim is not only to provide pedantic knowledge but also offer holistic education which creates responsible and successful citizens out of our students. Facu lty: Soma Adhikary (MA, BEd), Shrabani Maity (MA, BEd), Sanjoy Mondal (MA, BEd), Manasi Maity (MA, MPhil). Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 17 17 4 13 2019 5 5 2 3 Future scope for graduates: Study of education provides opportunities to gain knowledge in core principles of education, teaching methodologies, human psychology and human behaviour . Students will develop skillsets that is in demand across many job roles including t eacher ; e ducation administrator ; c onsultant in online education industry and c areer advisor and counsellors . D EPARTMENT OF E NGLISH A part of the college since its inception, the department currently offers Honours, GE, and LCC courses in English under the CBCS syllabus of V idyasagar University. It has produced three batches of graduates till 2020. From the beginning, our students have partaken enthusiastically in the community life of the college, often excelling in various extra - curricular and sporting activities, and in th e events organized by the NSS Unit. 100% Pass 76% First Class

7. 6 Every year, our students publish the college wall magazine entitled ‘Rolling Stones’ and they also participate in the Youth Parliament Debates organized by the NYPS. Some graduates have gone on to study M.A. in English o r B.Ed., or work in various services in the public and private sectors, while some aspire specifically to enter the civil services. Faculty: Dr Durba Basu (MA, PhD), Hiya Chatterjee (MA, MPhil), Swagatalakshmi Basu (MA, BEd). Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 4 4 1 0 2019 14 14 3 1 2018 10 10 1 0 Future scope for graduates : An Honours degree in English can be a gateway to a variety of careers like in the civil services, copyediting, copywriting, journalism, and teaching. D EPARTMENT OF G EOGRAPHY The Department of Geography started its journey in the year of 2015. The departmen t has two Full Time Teachers since 2017 and in the year 2021, our respected Principal Dr.Ratan Kumar Samanta, former Associate Professor of Geography joined the college contribute to the progress of the department Presently with 26 students of honours cour se and 40 students of general course for each year, the department boasts of gaining the status of leading department of Purba Medinipur district. The department has very high reputation in every sphere of the field of Geography i.e., success in department al results, mock parliament, debate, NSS activities, geographical model show etc. Every year, our students publish wall magazine named ‘Blue Planet’ and also arrange exhibition of different kinds of geographical models. Sometimes resource persons are invit ed to deliver special lectures for the students. The department conducts class tests, mock test on regular basis and also provide sufficient study materials to do best in their discipline. The affectionate relation among the students, parents and teachers is the main strength of our department. Faculty: Aparesh Mondal (MSc, BEd), Dr. Ratan Kumar Samanta (MSc, PhD), Arpita Mondal (MSc, BEd), Narayan Bera (MSc, BEd, MEd). Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 9 9 2 7 2019 10 10 5 1 2018 9 9 3 3 Future scope for graduates : A degree in Geography provides multiple job opportunities for the students in future in various roles as a teacher , cartographer, urban planner, environmental consultant, Geographical Information System ( GIS ) analyst etc. 100% Pass 25% above 50% 100% Pass 78% First Class

5. 4 A CADEMICS We offer honours degrees in six subjects and general degrees in thirteen subjects. Subject combi nations are available according to university guideline and details are given on the college website. Subject Degree Seat Capacity Bengali Honours 52 General 60 English Honours 52 General 60 Education Honours 50 General 60 History General 60 Philosophy General 60 Physical Education General 100 Political Science General 60 H ONOURS SUBJECT INTAKE CAPACITY DETAILS Subject Category Total General /UR SC ST O - A O - B GE - PH SC - PH ST - PH OA - PH OB - PH BEN 27 11 3 5 4 1 1 0 0 0 52 ENG 27 11 3 5 4 1 1 0 0 0 52 EDU 26 11 3 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 50 GEO 14 5 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 26 SAN 22 9 2 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 42 SOC 13 5 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 25 D EPARTMENTS D EPARTMENT OF B ENGALI The Bengali Department offers both Honours and General courses in Bengali language and literature. Admission in this department started from the academic session 2015 - 2016. The department has three faculty members (Two full time faculties and one SACT). In 2018 first batch appeared for their university examinations with Honours in Bengali. Faculty: Dr . Madhumita Basu (MA, PhD), Dipankar Sarkar (MA) and Surajit Mandal (MA, B.Ed). Final year result: Year Appeared Successful 50 - 60% 60%+ 2020 20 20 5 5 2019 13 13 9 3 2018 16 16 10 2 Future scope for graduates : After completion an Honours degree in Bengali, a student can apply for postgraduate degree in Bengali Literature and Linguistics. Career opportunities include j ournalism and news reading in electronic media ; w orking as translator / interpreter ; c areer in publishing sector ; c areer in script writing, etc. Subject Degree Seat Capacity Geography Honours 26 General 40 Sanskrit Honours 42 General 60 Sociology Honours 25 General 60 Botany General 25 Physiology General 25 Zoology General 25 100% Pass 25% First Class


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