

Govt. Aided General Degree College. Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

Subject Affiliation Certificate

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Affiliation Certificate of College and subjects issued by Vidyasagar University 2023-24

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1. Ref. No. VU/lC/SJ M ltro Do24 Date : April 18, 2024 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, P.O. - Amdabad, Dist. - Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, PIN 721650 is affiliated to Vidyasagar University since 2014 and recognized by the University Grants Commission under section 2(0 of UGC Act, 1956 and as per approval the following subjects/courses are taught upto the current session, i.e, 2O74-7025 : (Dr. Avijit Roychoudhury) INSPECTOR OF COLLEGES 6lR tntret,,dC,,/ry, : Yldy.rtr tltrtrrtl, , IEr. .l}L l tol Sl.No. Name of the Programmes Programme duration Affiliation status 0l B.A. (Hons.) with Bengali Three yerrs CBCS Permanent 02 B,A, (Hons.) with Education Three years CBCS Permanent 0.1 B.A. (Hons.) with English Three years CBCS Perma.lent 0.1 B.A. (Hons.) with Sanskrit Three years CBCS Permanent 05 B.A. ( Hons.) with Sociology Three yerrs CBCS Permanent 06 B.A. (General) with BeIlgali, Education, English, Sanskrit, Sociolo8,, History, Philosophy, Political Science and Physical Education Three vcrrs CBCS Permancnt 07 B.Sc. (Hors.) with Geography Three vears CBCS Permanent 08 B.Sc. (Getrer8l) with Ceography, Botany, Zoolosi and Physiolory. Three years CBCS Permanent 09 B.A. (Hons. or Hons. with Research) with Bengali Four yerrs CCFUP, effective froo| 23-24 Permanent t0 B.A. (HoDs. or Hons. with Research) with Education Four years CCFUP, effective from 23-24 Permanent ll B.A. (HoDs. or Hons. with Research) with English Four years CCFUP, effective lrom 23-24 Permenent t2 B.A. Hons. or Hons. with Research) with Sanskrit Four years CCFUP, effective lrorn 23-24 Permanent l3 Four years CCFUP, effective lrom 23-24 Permanent l{ B.Sc. (Hons. or Hons, with Research) rtith Ceography Four years CCFUP, effective lrorn 23-24 Permanent l5 B.A. Multidiscipli[ary with Humanities Three years CCFUP, effective from 23-24 Permanent l6 B.Sc. Multidisciplinary with Life Science Three years CCFUP, effective from 23-24 Permanent Phone(o3222)269381 Fax No.(03222) 278329 / 297 Email-ioc(Dmail.vidvasaear.ac.i! wcbsite: http://www.vidvasagar.ac.in , . aFrrr6e ot: tlltn rNSerEClo<LcrF CoLf,EgW trM]M) VIDYASAGARUNIVERSITY:MIDNAPoRE @r.- vrnvAsAGAR UNrvERSrry :Drsr;#:g#*I-rNrpUR : prN.-72r r02 : w.B. B.A. ( Hons. or Hons. with Research) with Sociology


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