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Faculty Profile - Parimal Mandal

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1. CURRICULUM VITAE with Detailed List of the publications Name Dr. Parimal Mandal Photograph Fathers Name Shri Ajit Mandal Designation Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya Institute Name & Address Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, Amdabad, Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, 721650 Permanent Address Village- Lutihara, P.O- Bagdukra, P.S- Bhutni, Dist- Malda, West Bengal, 732203 Mobile 9647704736 Email parimalbhu@gmail.com Educational Qualifications Degree Institution Year Subject Ph.D Pondicherry University 2020 Srīmadbhagavadgītālaghuvyākhyā of Raghavānanda Tīrtha -A Critical Edition of First Sixth Chepter . M.A Banaras Hindu University 2014 Sanskrit P.G Diploma Pondicherry University 2015 Manuscriptology & Paleography B.A University of Gourbanga 2012 Sanskrit 12 th W.B.C.H.S.E 2009 Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Philosophy, Geography 10 th W.B.B.S.E 2007 Bengali, English, Geography, History, Mathematic, Physical science, Life Science Other Qualifications NET UGC 2013

4. 4. “Vaiśvika mahāmārī se bacāva ke liye Patañjali viracita Yogadarśana ke anusāra Prāṇāyāma ke mahatva” published in Ajanta an international multidisciplinary quarterly research Journal, aurangabad -M.S-India, Volume-I X, Issue-IV, Page-23-27, ISSN NO. 2277-5730, Year-2020. 5. “Vedic Vangamayanistha Mahavakya ki Sabdabodha Mimansa, Published in Dhimahi Journal, Second author, Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan, Adi Sankara Nilayam, Ernakulam, Kerala Volume 8,p.p.156-164,ISSN 0976-3066, year 2017. 6. “Adhunika Bharatiya Natya Sandarbho Mein Purvaranga Ki Avadharana” No.137-142, ISBN No 978-93- 8575-04-1, UGC Sponsored Two days National Seminar on “Rangamancha Evam Natyakala:Adhunika Pariprekshya Mein” , Kalindi College, Delhi University, New Delhi, Publication Year 2016. 7. “Srīmad Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇe Varṇitam Kṛṣivijñānam”, published in University of Mysore, Department of Studies in Sanskrit, On the occasion of Centenary Celebrations, One day National Conference on “Agriculture in Sanskrit Literature”, Page No-307-310 , ISBN No 978-81-910230-1-5, year 2016. 8. “Yogadarśana meṃ avidyā kā svarūpa” published in Ananta International Journal of Sanskrit Research, New Delhi, vol-2, issue-01, ISSN No- 2294-7519, Year-2016. 9. “Dve Vidye Veditavye” published in Jahnavi Sanskrit E-Journal (A Portal of Sarasvat Niketanam) Vol- II, page-56-61, ISSN No-0976-8645, Year-2015. 10. “Sāṃkhyayogadarśana meṃ varṇita mokṣa kī avadhāraṇā” published in Shodha Pravaha a multidisciplinary quarterly international refereed research journal, Vol- V , Issue-02, , pp.193-197, ISSN No-22314113, year July-2015 11. “Sadānandakṛta vedāntasāre ātmasākṣātkāra sādhanāni” published in Samajiki Sandarsh an International Refereed Research Journal, Co-author, Future Fact Society, Varanasi India, vol-III, issue-2, page-81-85, ISSN-2348-0076, Year-2015. 12. “Sāṃkhya darśana ke anusāra duḥkha” Published in Vaichariki a Multidisciplinary Refereed International Research Journal, Varanasi, Vol-V, issue-4, page-334-336, ISSN -2229-8907, year-2015. 13. “Srīmadbhagavadgītā meṃ varṇita mokṣaprāpti ke mārga” Published in Pahale Pahal Prakashana, Bhopal, vol- 2 page- 84-87 ISBN No-978-93-92212-63-5, year-2015. 14. “Ādvaitavedānta meṃ lakṣaṇā- eka vimarśa” published in Lalita Kavi National Research Journal, Varanasi, vol-VII, issue-02, page-84-87, ISSN No- 0975-6256 year-2015. 15. “The Role of Language and Reality in the light of Globalization” Published in Research Highlights, an international refereed research journal, Second author, Future Fact Society, Varanasi India,Vol-02,No- 02,page no-56-61, ISSN No-2350-0611, Year-2015. Presented paper in Seminar/conference:

11. 4. Received the "Bhamasha Dharmartha Samman" award by Vrajaloka Sahitya Kala Sanskriti Akademi (Nyasa), on 24th March 2023. 5. Received the "Bhasha Gaurava Samman" award by Vilakshana Sahityika Manch, Rohtak, on 21st February 2023. 6. Received the "Star of Award India" award by Guru Foundation, Rohtak, Haryana, on 8th February 2023. 7. Received the "Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar Rashtriya Gaurav Samman - 2023" award by Asian Research Foundation & Sodh Prakashan, Hisar, on 14th April 2023. 8. Received the Savitribai Phule International IDIOL Teachers Ratna Award by Gopal Kiran Samaj Sevi Sanstha on 28th October 2023. 9. Received the Rabindranath Tagore Literary Award - 2024 by CKNKH Foundation Education Department on 8th May 2024. Training Courses, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes (not less than one week duration): 1. Attended Textual Workshop on Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta, organized by ICPR,MHRD, Academic Centre, Lucknow, From 19th January to 31st January 2015. 2. Participated in the 7 days NSS Training Programme Conducted by NSS Empanelled Training Institute, Ramkrishna Mission Ashram, from 19.05.2019 to 25.05.2019. 3. Participated Orientation Programme-109, organized by UGC- HRDC, Guru Nanak Dev University, From 11-02-2020 to 03-03-2020. 4. Participated in One day Workshop on Ratting/accreditation as a tool for quality improvement held at GNDU, Amritasar, from 24 th February 2020. 5. Participated 03 days Online National Workshop on Creating and Managing: Online Teaching, organised by Teaching Learning Centre of SLBSNS University under PMMMNMTT scheme, MHRD, Govt. of India, from 18th to 20th June, 2020. 6. Participated 05 Days Online National Workshop on Cyber Security in Education organized by Teaching Learning Centre of SLBSNS University under PMMMNMTT scheme, MHRD, Govt. of India from 17th to 21st August, 2020. 7. Participated in 05 days Online National Workshop on Advance Features of MS Office, organized by Teaching Learning Centre of SLBSNS University under PMMMNMTT scheme, MHRD, Govt. of India, from 5th to 9th October, 2020. 8. Participated Refresher Course in Language and Comparative Literature and C ultural Studies, organized by UGC-HRDC, Guru Nanak Dev University, From 10-08-2021 to 23-08-2021 .

7. on “Provision of the new Education Policy 2020 in the context of the continuity of the ancient education system” organised by Aviram College of Education, Tiko, Kuru, Lohardaga & Global Sanskrit Forum, Jharkhand Prant held on 12–13 May, 2023. 19. Paper presented on “Bāṅglā evaṃ chāi bhāṣāra śabdabhāṇḍārera tulanā” in the Two days National Seminar on Promotion of Bangla Bhasha: Teaching and Learning organised by Vidyabharati Uccha Sikkha Sansthan & Bharatiya Bhasa Samiti, Indian Government, Collaboration with National Library, kolkata held on 27 & 28 th April, 2023. 20. Delivered an special lecture entitled “Yogasutra” organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya on 24 th April 2023. 21. Paper presented on “Concept of Dosha and Guna in Ayurveda” in the 4 th Eastern India Oriental Conference & National Seminar Organised by Eastern India Oriental Conference, Bhubaneswar, Odisha & Department of Sanskrit, Kharagpur College, Kharagpur, West Bengal held on 22-23 April, 2023. 22. Paper presented on “Bābā sāheba Dr. Ambeḍakara ki jīvana aura saṃgharṣa” in the National Seminar on “Dr. Bhīmarāva Aṃbeḍakara kī śikṣonmukha vicāradhārā kala, āja aura kala” organised by Guru Vidyapeeth held on 14 th April, 2023. 23. Paper presented on “Paurāṇika nāṭaka binirmāṇe rāma” in the Two days International Seminar on “Deconstruction of Myths : Bengali Drama & Novel” Organised by Egra Sarada Shashi Bhusan College , Egra, Purba Medinipur Collaboration with Bhattar College, Dantan, Paschim Medimipur, West Bengal. Held on 30 & 31 March 2023. 24. Paper presented on “Educational Scenario in Bengal during Pala Period” in the One day Multidiscilpinary National Seminar on “Indian Education System from Ancient to Modern Era” Organized by Kaliachak Bikram Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Kaliachak, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal held on 28 th March, 2023. 25. Paper presented on “Vaidikasāhitye sāmājikī samarasatā” in the Two days National Seminar on “Society and Culture in Vedic Literature” organised by the P.G Department of Sanskrit, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha on 1 st & 2 nd March 2023. 26. Session Chaired in One Day National Seminar on “Ethics & Morality : Representation in Ancient Indian Literary Imagination” Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Manikchak College, Malda In Collaboration with IQAC Cell Manikchak College, Malda, held on 15 th February 2023. 27. Paper presented on “Kālidāsera nāṭake citrakalā” in the Two days State Level Webinar & 21 st Annual Conference of Bharat Vidya Charcha Kendra on “Politics, culture and society: contextualizing indian history and the world” Organized by Bharata Vidya CharchaKendra, Bardhaman In association with

9. 39. Paper presented on “Śaṃskṛta vāṅmaye paryāvaraṇa cintanam” in the National seminar(Online) on “Ecological Awareness in Sanskrit Literature” organised by P.G. Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University,Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar,held on 08th June 2020. 40. Paper presented on “Vedeṣu paryāvaraṇaśikṣā in the All India Vedic Conference” on “The Vedas and Conservation of Environment” by Department of Sanskrit, North Orissa University, Second Campus, Keonjhar Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Vedavidya Pratishthan, Ujjain, held on 02 nd to 04 th February 2020. 41. Paper presented on “Nationalism in Veda” in the National seminar on “Sanskrit and Nationalism” organised by Department of Sanskrit, North Orissa University, Second Campus, Keonjhar, held on 14 th to 15 th February 2019. 42. Paper presented on “Righteousness in Thirukkural” , National seminar on “Dharmasastra : Theory and Practice” organised by Department of Sanskrit, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry. Held on 4 th and 5 th June 2018. 43. Paper presented on “Ādhunika Bāṅgālī kavider saṃskṛta nāṭyacarcā” , International seminar on “Culture in modern Bengal: Traditions and Transformations” organised by Department of Bengali & English, Khejuri college in Collaboration with Bhatter College, Dantan, West Bengal, held on 10 th April 2018. 44. Paper presented on “Bhagavadgītāi varṇita sthitaprajñera avadhāraṇā evaṃ vartamāna samāja” , Third Annual International Conference organised by Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra in collaboration with Bidhannagar College , Kolkata, held on 1 st & 2 nd July 2017. 45. Presented a paper entitled “Śrīmadbhagavadgītāyāḥ avavodhāya Laghuvyākhyāyāḥ upayogitā'' in the International Conference On ‘Importance of Commentaries for Understanding Sanskrit Text’ Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Gour Banga University. Malda, West Bengal, held on April, 5th & 6th, 2017. 46. Paper presented on “Ādhunika bhāratīya nāṭyasandarbho mein pūrvaraṅga kī avadhāraṇā,” National seminar on “Raṅgmaṅc Evaṁ Nāṭṭyakalā: Ādhunika Pariprekṣya mein”, organised by Department of Sanskrit, Kalindi College, University of Delhi, from 10 th August to 11 th August 2016 47. Presented a paper entitled “Śrimadvalmikiramayane Varnitam Krishi-Vijyanam” in the National Seminar on “Agriculture in Sanskrit Literature” Organised by Department of studies in Sanskrit, University of Mysore, Karnataka, held on 19th july 2016. 48. Presented a paper entitled “Yogadarśana ke anusāra Prāṇāyāma ke viśleṣaṇa” in the International Seminar on “Science and Art of Yoga : Theory And Practice” Organised by Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit & Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, Savitribai Phule Pune University.

8. Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidyalaya, Churulia, held on 18th and 19th March, 2023 28. Paper presented on “Prācīna bhāratīya saṃskṛtira mūlya evaṃ vartamāne hrāsera kāraṇa” at the International Webinar on Tribal Lifestyle 3 ( Tibeto-Burman and Austro-Asiatic: Languages-Culture- Anthropology- Linguistics) Organized by IBJCAL, held on 21 st February, 2023 to 27 th February, 2023. 29. Paper presented on “Vaidikakālīna bhāratīya janasaṃcāra kā svarūpa” in the two days National Seminar on “janasaṃcāra mādhyamoṃ meṃ bhāratīya bhāṣāoṃ kā yogadāna” organised by Guru Vidyapeetha & Department of Hindi, Govt. Degree College, Sithapal mandi, held on 30 & 31 January, 2023. 30. Paper presented on “Śrīmadbhagavadgītāyāṃ Vyaktitvavikāsaḥ” in the International Seminar on “Gītā: Sāmpratikasamājaḥ” organised by Department of Sanskrit, Uluberia College in Collaboration with Department of Sanskrit, Maharani Kasiswari College, held on 8 th December 2022. 31. Paper presented on “Śrīmadbhagavadgītāyāṃ Ātmatatvaḥ” ICPR Sponsored National seminar on “Life Management and Personality Development through the Philosophy of the Bhagwatgeeta” organised by Department of Philosophy, Central Sanskrit University, Shri Raghunath Kirti Campus, Devprayag, Uttar Pradesh, held on 2 nd and 3 rd December 2022. 32. Delivered an special lecture entitled: “Phonetics Laws””, organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Manikchak college, Malda, held on 16 th September 2022. 33. Delivered an special lecture entitled: “Computer Typing”, organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Manikchak college, held on 15 th September 2022. 34. Paper presented on “Ethical Values in Shrimadbhagavadgita” National seminar on “Ethical Values in Sanskrit and Vedic Literature” organised by Department of Sanskrit, Dr. Meghnad Saha College, UGB, West Bengal, held on 19th June 2022. 35. Paper presented on “Yoga Manuscripts in Saraswati Mahal Library ” National seminar on “Yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam” organised by Kaliachak Bikram Kishore Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, held On 23 rd March 2022. 36. Paper presented on “Hindī sāhitya para saṃskṛta kāvyaśāstra kā prabhāva” , International seminar(Online) on “Viśva meṃ hindī ke baḍhte caraṇa” organised by Department of Hindi, IB PG College, Panipat, held on 08 th September 2021. 37. Paper presented on “Śrīmadbhagavadgītā anusāre āhāra vivecana”, National seminar(Online) on “Ayurveda and Modern Life” organised by Department of Sanskrit (U.G. & P.G.), Prabhat Kumar College Contai , Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, held on 3 & 4 th September, 2021. 38. Delivered an special lecture entitled: “Career Opportunities after Graduation”, organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Malda college, Malda, held on 9 th August 2021.

10. held on 24-27 February, 2016. 49. Presented a paper entitled “Śrīmadbhagavadgītā meṃ varṇita mokṣaprāpti ke mārga” in the National Seminar “Ādhunika saṃdarbhoṃ meṃ bhagavadgītā kī prāsaṅgikatā” Organised by Government Sanjay Gandhi Smriti Post Graduate College, Ganj Basoda, Vidisha- Madhya Pradesh, held on 1 ST & 02 nd October 2015. Organising Seminar/Webinar/Conference/Workshop: 1. Coordinator, ICPR Sponsored Two day International Seminar on “Yoga for Health Happiness & Harmony”, Organised by the Departments of Sanskrit, Philosophy, Physical Education & IQAC, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal in collaboration with department of Physical Education, Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, held on 24th & 25th July 2023. 2. Coordinator, One day National Seminar on “ व ै ि æ वक प ǐ र Ĥ े ê य म Ʌ भारतीय दश [ न ” Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, in collaboration Guru Foundation, held on 10th January 2023. 3. Coordinator, ICPR Sponsored One day Lecture Progrmmame On “Vasudhiava Kutumbakam”, Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya held on 23 rd September 2022. 4. Coordinator, 10 days State level workshop on “Bhaṭṭojīdīkṣitānusāraṃkārakatattvānuśīlanam “, Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya held on 27.08.2020 to 05.09.2020. 5. Coordinator, A Two Day National Conference On “Indian Culture and Sanskrit” Organised by Department of Sanskrit Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya held on 17 th September 2020 to 18.09.2020. 6. Coordinator, One day National Level Webinar on International Yoga Day on Necessity and Effectiveness of Yoga Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya, held on 21st June, 2020. Awards/Fellowship/Prize etc.: 1. Awarded a Commendation Certificate at the All-India Bhagavad Gita Mahasammelan held at Brahma Kumaris Global Headquarters, Shantivan, Mount Abu on 5th September 2022. 2. Received the "Educationist of the Year 2022" award by Guru Foundation, Rohtak, Haryana, on 22nd December 2022. 3. Received the "Guru Hindi Bhaskara Samman - 2023" award by Guru Vidyapeeth, Rohtak, Haryana, on 10th January 2023.

3. 1. Life Membership Lokbhasa Prachar Samiti, Puri, Odisha, from 2023 2. Life Membership Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad, Kolkata, West Bengal, from 2023 3. Life Membership Malda College Alumini, Malda, West Bengal from 2018 4. Life Membership Lokasamskritam Megazine, Puducherry from 2023 5. Life Membership Suradhani Journal from 2023 Publication Profile Publication of Books 1. Edited Book (Editor)-“Sahitya samaja evam samskara” (Hindi), Published by Sodh Prakashan, Hisar, First Edition- February, 2023 , ISBN: 978-81-19110-16-2 2. Edited Book (First Editor)-“Sāhitya samāja evaṃ saṃskṛti” (Bengali) published by Cognition Publications, Kolkata, First Edition-June 2023, ISBN: 978-93-92205-32-3 3. Edited Book (Co-Editor)- “ भारतीय £ ान पर à परा के ͪ व ͪ वध आयाम ”, Published by Evincepub Publishing, Bilashpur, , First Edition-May 2024, ISBN: 978-93-5673-689-4 4. Edited Book (First Editor))- “Yoga for Health, Happiness and Harmony” Published by CKNKH Foundation Author Committee, Hailakandi, First Edition March 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6107-375-5 5. Edited Book (First Editor)– Y”oga for Health, Happiness and Harmony”(2 nd Volume) Published by CKNKH Foundation Author Committee, Hailakandi, First Edition March 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6107-024- 2 6. Edited Book (First Editor)– “Yoga for Health, Happiness and Harmony”(3 rd Volume) Published by CKNKH Foundation Author Committee, Hailakandi, First Edition March 2024, ISBN: 978-93-6107-499- 8 Papers Published in Journals, Proceedings and Edited Volumes: 1. “ भारतीय वण [å यव è था और अ à बेडकर का ͬ च Û तन ” published in Sodh Prakashan, Hisar, ISBN: 978-81-19110- 33-9 Year 2023. 2. “Ādhunika dṛṣṭibhaṅgite śrīmadbhagavadgītāi varṇita Bhaktiyoga” published in Ebong Mahua Journal, K. K. Prakashan, West Bengal, Vol-136 Page-445-449 Year-2021. 3. Yogadarśana ke anusāra Prāṇāyāma ke viśleṣaṇa published in Vedanjali Journal, An International Refereed Research Journal, Varanasi, vol-15 page-175-178 ISSN 2349-364X, year-2021.

2. WBSET WBCSC 2015 Present Employment Details Organization Name Position Held Date of Appointment Present Status Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya Assistant Professor 2017-08-11 Permanent Administrative Assignments 1. H.O.D., Department of Sanskrit, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 15.11.2017 to to till date. 2. Teacher-in-Charge, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 04.02.2020 to 12.02.2021. 3. Programme Officer, National Service Scheme, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 15.11.2017 to 03.01.2023. 4. Nodal Officer of AISHE, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 2 nd March 2021 to till date. 5. Nodal Officer of Student Credit Card, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 27 th May 2021 to till date. 6. Convener of Anti Ragging sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. 7. Member of NAAC committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. 8. Member of Academic sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 2018 to till date. 9. Member of Admissions sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. 10. Member of Purchase sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. 11. Member of Seminar sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. 12. Member of Website Development sub-committee , Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya from 11 th July 2019 to till date. Membership / Fellowship of Academies / Institutions /Professional Societies

12. 9. Participated in the Short Term Course in Yoga and Wellness organized by the UGC-HRDC, Kumaun University, Nainital, from 03rd to 09th August, 2022. 10. Participated in 11 days National level Workshop on सव [ दश [ नसं Ē ह organized by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, From 21th November 2022 to 1 st December 2022. 11. P articipated as a Participant in the Indian Council of Philosophical Research sponsored Ten Day National Workshop on Aatmatattvaviveka Kshanabhangavada of Udayanacharya organised by Karnataka Sanskrit University, Pampa Mahakavi Road, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru, from 18.07.2022 to 27.07.2022. 12. Participated in one-week Executive Training Program on “Use of ICT in Virtual Academic - Administration” organized by Computer Centre, Vidyasagar University from 10-03-2022 to 16-03-2022. 13. Participated in 07 days National level Workshop on पा Ö ड ु ͧ ल ͪ प - प ु र ा ͧ ल ͪ प - ͪ व £ ाना Ú य य न म ् ” organized by Central Sanskrit University, From 20th March 2023 to 26th March 2023. 14. Participated in 07 days National level Workshop on शोध Ĥͪ व ͬ धकाय [ शाला organized by Central Sanskrit University, From 18th September 2023 to 22th September 2023. 15. Participated in the NEP Orientation and Sensitization Organised by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Teaching Learning Centre of SLBSNS University under PMMMNMTT scheme, MHRD, Govt. of India, from Specialization/ Areas of Interest 1. Indian Philosophy 2. Manuscriptology & Paleography 3. Religious and Cultural Studies 4. Yoga and Naturopathy Declaration- I can do the job with great sense of responsibility and always try to make a positive contribution and efforts to prove myself as an asset to the organization. Place: Amdabad Date : 24.08.2024

6. “Role of Financial Literacy in Women Empowerment and Social Inclusion” Organised by Gopal Kiran Samaj Sevi Sanstha held on 28 th October, 2023. 10. Paper presented on “ सोशल मी ͫ डया म Ʌ Ǒ ह Û द ȣ भाषा का मह × व ” in the International Seminar on “ Ǒ ह ं द ȣ के Ĥ चार Ĥ सार म Ʌ मी ͫ डया का योगदान ” organised by एस आर एम इं è ट ȣɪ य ू ट ऑफ साइंस एंड टे È नोलॉजी , वडपलनी चे Û नई * एवं गीना देवी शोध सं è थान ͧ भवानी ह ǐ रयाणा held on 24 th September 2024. 11. Delivered an special lecture entitled on “Bhagabadgitai Mulyabodh” in the National seminar on “Importance of Value Education” Organised by NSS Unit, Department of Sanskrit, English, Philosophy in Collaboration with IQAC, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya held on 5 th September 2023. 12. Paper presented on “Manusmṛtite Mānavatāvāda” in the International Seminar on “Humanism in Sanskrit scriptures” organised by Department of Sanskrit in Collaboration with IQAC, Mughberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, Ramnagar College,West Bengal, & Devabhasa Bikash Parisad, Bhogarai, Baleshwar, Odisha held on 26 th August 2023 13. Paper presented on “Saṃskṛta bhāṣā meṃ rojagāra kī sambhavanāeṃ” in the World Education Conference, organized by Central Sanskrit University, Jaipur Campus, Jaipur, Rajsthan, held on 10 th August 2023 to 12 th August 2023. 14. Paper presented on “Veda aura unkā śākhāeṃ” in the All India Vedic Seminar on “Relevance of Vedic Knowledge in Modern Science & Technology” Organized by Kaliachak Bikram Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya & Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Vedavidya Pratishthan, Ujjain, held on 7 th August 2023 to 9 th August 2023. 15. Paper presented on “Saṃskṛta sāhitye satmitrera lakṣaṇa” in the One Day National Level Sanskrit Seminar on “World Friendship in Inidian Culture” Organised by Department of Sanskrit & IQAC in Collaboration with Lokbhasha Prachar Samiti, Swaraswati Vihar, BaraPada, Bhadrak, 756113, Odisha, & Department of Sanskrit, Sabang Sajanikannta Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur, held on 24 th June, 2023. 16. Paper presented on “Svāmi vivekānanda ke anusāra yoga kī avadhāraṇā” in the Two days International Seminar on “Saṃskṛta śāstroṃ evaṃ bhāratīya saṃskṛti meṃ Yoga kā mahatva” organised by Sanskrit Sanskriti Vikash Sansthan & Jagdish Narayan Brahmcharyashram Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Lagma, Darbhanga, Bihar, held on 17 & 18 june 2023. 17. Delivered an special lecture entitled on “Higher Education Opportunities for Sanskrit Students” organised by the Department of Sanskrit, Malda College held on 6 th May 2023. 18. Paper presented on “Prācīna bhāratīya guru śiṣya sambandha” in the Two days International Seminar

5. 1. Paper presented on “ तारानाथ तक [ वाच è प Ǔ त का å यि È त × व एवं क ृ Ǔ त × व ” in the International Seminar on “ आ ध ु Ǔ नक सं è क ृ त सा Ǒ ह × य म Ʌ सामािजक Ǻ ि ç ट ” Organised by Global Sanskrit Forum held on 17 th to 19 th May 2024. 2. Paper presented on “ Į ीम ɮ भगव ɮ गीतायां मो ¢è यावधारणा ” in the National Seminar on “ म ु È ते Ǿ पाया Û वेषणे भारतीय - मनीषा ” Organized by Department of Sanskrit, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore held on 28 th March 2024. 3. Paper presented on “ Į ीम ɮ भगव ɮ गीता म Ʌ मानवतावाद ” in the Two-Day National Seminar on “Concept of Social Harmony in Sanskrit Literature and its Relevance in the Present-Day Society” Organized by Department of Sanskrit, Dr. Meghnad Saha College, Uttar Dinajpur, held from 20 th and 21 st March, 2024. 4. Paper presented on “ भारतीय £ ानपर à परा म Ʌ राजधम [ के è व Ǿ प ” in the One Day Multidisciplinary National Seminar on “ भारतीय £ ानपर à परा एवं रा çĚȣ य ͧ श ¢ ा नी Ǔ त -2020”, Organized by Kaliachak Bikram Kishor Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Purba Medinipur, held on 16 th March 2024. 5. Paper presented on “ Reflections on Knowledge according to Vedanta Sara” in the ICPR Sponsored Lecture Programme on “Theory of Truth and Knowledge” Organised by Department of Sanskrit, Mahatma Gandhi College, Purulia, Held from 08.02.2024 to 10.02.2024. 6. Paper presented on “ Prachin Bharatiya Gurukul Paddhati” in the Teachers Convention to “Promote Bharatiya Jnana Parampara” Organised by Vidya Bharati Uchcha Shiksha Sansthan and National Council for Promotion of Sindhi Language, Govt. Of India at National Institute of Technical Teachers training and Research, Kolkata on 28 th January 2024. 7. Paper presented on “Rabindra Sahitye Itihas Anweshan” in the Two day National Seminar on “Bangla sahityer Darpane: Itihas Anweshan” Organised by Department of Bengali and History, Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya in Collaboration with Sitananda College, held on 19 th and 20 th January 2024. 8. Paper presented on “ वत [ मानकाले Į ीम ɮ भगव ɮ गीता ĤǓ तपा Ǒ दतं य £ - दान - तपस æ च उपादेयता ” in the International Seminar on the “Concept Sanskrit for the betterment of the World”, Organised by Lokbhasa Prachar Samiti, held from 27 to 29 December 2023. 9. Paper presented on “ Ĥ ाचीन भारतीय अथ [ å यव è था म Ʌ म Ǒ हलाओं का योगदान” in the International Seminar on


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