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Faculty Profile - Nanigopal Das

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2. Engineering Techn ology Research & Management, Volume - 05 Issues 02, Page no. 1 - 4, February 2021, ISSN: 2456 – 9348.  Monoj Maiti, Mitali Maity (Maiti) and Nanigopal Das (2021) “A review on mental stress and its physiological effects with special reference to yoga and physic al exercise”, International Journal of innovative research in technology (IJIRT), Volume 8, Issue 1, Page no. 372 – 375, June 2021, ISSN: 2349 – 6002. (UGC Approved Journal). Book chapters published:  Monoj Maiti and Nanigopal Das. 2021. ‘Pratifalan’ (Edi ted Book), Icchebati Publication, Bandel, Hooghly, 712123, West Bengal, India. (ISBN: 9 - 788195 - 319596).  Monoj Maiti and Nanigopal Das. 2022. ‘Anubhab’ (Edited Book), Placenta Publication, Bagula, Nadia, West Bengal, India. (ISBN: 9789391506667).  Monoj Mait i and Nanigopal Das. 2022. Abhibakti (Edited Book), Icchebati Publication, Bandel, Hooghly, 712123, West Bengal, India. (ISBN: 9 - 788195 - 319596).  Monoj Maiti and Nanigopal Das. ‘ Gebon o Jibika ’ ( Edited book), Anwesha Publication, Bagbazar, Kolkata - 05, West Bengal, India, ISBN: 978 - 93 - 93759 - 48 - 1,2023

1. Faculty Profile Name: Nanigopal Das Education: M.A., PhD (On going) Designation and Department: State Aided College Teacher - 2, Philosophy Paper/Articles Published :  Nanigopal Das, COVID - 19 Mahamarir prabhabe janajibane artha - samajik, manasik o naitik drishtibhangi ebang bartamane era pratikar byabastha, ‘DIPTI ALOY’, Edited by Pikon Day &MousumiSahaMahalanabish, Icchebati Publication, Bandel, Hooghly, 712123, West Bengal,India, ISBN: 9 - 788195 - 319572, 29 Septembar, 2021, page – 290  Mono j Maiti and Nanigopal Das. Health awareness is the best suppressant of pandemic in activity of COVID – 19, In: Challenges of Online Education during the crisis of COVID – 19. Ed. D. Dr. UdayanMandal and Mr. UjjwalMahato. New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, In dia, ISBN: 978 - 93 - 91012 - 13 - 7, 2021, page no. 95 – 96.  ‘Where is the value of Philosophy?’, ‘Pratifallan’, Edited by MonojMaiti and Nanigopal Das, Icchebati Publication, Bandel Nadanga Narayanpur near Barun Decorator House & Nandi Press,Bandel, Hooghly, 712123, West Bengal, India, 01 August 2021, ISBN - 9 - 788195 - 319596,Page no - 38 - 41  Yoga and Covid - 19 Have Opposite Effects on Women’s Mental Health and Higher Education. Edited by Dr. Parimal Mandal, Dr. Prasad Ranjan Chakrabarti and Mr.Narugopal Das, CKNKH Fo undation Books Department,Hailakandi,Assam,788161,India,ISBN:978 - 93 - 6107 - 024 - 2,Page no - 10 - 24  Nanigopal Das,The social consequences of Euthanasia:How legalizing assisted suicide can undermine the value of human dignity and solidarity,Journal of Fundamenta l & Comparative Research,Volume - X,Issue - I,Book No. - 02,January - June:2024,ISSN: - 2277 - 7067. (UGC Approved Journal).  Nanigopal Das,’An analytical study of the arguments against voluntary euthanasia in moral perspective’, Anvesak A bi - annual Journal, Volume - 5 4, No. - 2, July - December 2024, ISSN: - 0378 - 4568 (UGC Care Group 1 Journal)  Nanigopal Das, MonojMaiti, Socio - economic mental and moral perspectives after the impact of COVID – 19 and its ways to recover at present, International Journal of


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