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Faculty Profile - Hiya Chatterjee

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5. Empowerment and the Department of English B.R. Ambedkar College Nadia 30.08.2024 to 05.09.2024

3. Globalization and the Postcolonial organized by Indian Association for Commonwe alth Literature and Language Studies in collaboration with Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Feb 20 - 22, 2014 4. ‘Taking the Liberty: A Comparative Study of 7 Khoon Maaf and Lootera ’, presented at the Prof. Debabrata M ukherjee Memorial Annual Students’ Seminar on Literature in English to Indian Cinema organized by the Department of English, Jadavpur University, 25 th March, 2015. 5. Friendships Beyond Class: Female Desire in The End of Innocence and Sister of My Heart, paper presented at the International Conference on Convergence and Divergence: Indian Writings in a Global Context: Canadian and Indian Perspectives organized by Shastri Indo - Canadian Institute and Department of English, Pondicherry University, Aug 30 - 31, 2018. 6. Friendships Beyond Class: Female Desire in The End of Innocence and Sister of My Heart paper presented at Samagam, Indian Social Sciences and Humanities Congress, Sep 7 - 8 2019. 7. ‘ Forging Identities through Friendships: Female Desire and Solidarity in Select Indian English Novels’ paper presented at the International Conference on Reimagi(ni)ng Identities in the Global South: Challenges, Transgressions and Articulation in collaborat ion with Department of English, Jadavpur University, Feb 6 - 8, 2020. 8. Subhuman or Superhuman? A Comparative Analysis of Ray’s and Asimov’s Fictional Robots ’ , paper presented at the Online International Conference on (His)stories of Slavery: Research Perspe ctives on Narratives of Enslavement and Freedom, organized by the Department of English, Surendranath College (in collaboration with the IQAC) Nov 7 - 9 2021.

4. 9. ‘T ranslation as Propaganda: A Study of Translations of Russian Language Books into Bengali in pos t - independence India ’ , paper presented at IACLALS Annual Conferences (Online), Mar 3 - 5, 2022 .  FIP RC and Short - term Courses 1. Attended 7 - Day International Level Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Gender Sensitization , 25th July to 31st July, 2020 organized by Department of English, Barabazar B.T.M. College, Purulia, West Bengal. 2. Attended Online Faculty Induction Programme from 23.09.2020 - 31.10.2020 organized by the UGC - HRDC Aligarh University. 3. Attended Online Refresh er Course in English from 02.09.2021 to 15.09.2021organized by the UGC - HRDC Jamia Millia Islamia 4. Attended Short - term Course (online) on Literary and Cultural Translation: Theory and Practice , organized by the Centre of Translation of Indian Languages, De partment of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, 01.08.2023 - 07.08.2023.  Invited Lectures 1. Invited lecture (online) at the Department of English, Surendranath College on Dissecting Gender through a Queer Lens , Sep 24, 2021. 2. Invited lecture on Liste ning Skills , Workshop on Communicative English at the Department of English, Khejuri College, Purba Medinipur, 25.05.2023. 3. Invited lecture (online) on The Documentary Feature as a Tool for Teaching Understanding Spatiality and Spatial Politics on 04.09.20 24 at a One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme (Online Mode) on “Multimodal Approaches to Teaching Language and Literature ” organized by Bengali Academia for Social

2. 6. ‘Bodies in Transition: Exploring Queer Sexualities in Indian Cinema’ in Sanglap: A Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry , Vol. 7 No.2 2021, ISSN 2349 - 8064  Details of the Book Chapter published (Please write sequentially and following APA style):  1. Taking the Liberty: Female Retellings of the Ramayana’ in Re - Storying the Indigenous and the Popular Imaginary , Authorspress, New Delhi, ISBN 93 - 5207 - 385 - 6.  Friendships beyond Class: Female Desire in The End of Innocence and Sister of My Heart in Interrogating Cultures of Complicity and Resistance: A Women’s Studies Compendium, edited by Aparna Bandopadhyay, Paiolck 2019, ISBN 978 - 93 - 887 - 72 - 0  Details of Semi nar/ Workshop/ Conference attended and Paper presented (State Level/ National Level/ International): 1. ‘ Performing Ambivalence: ‘Patachitra’ Art Form of Bengal’, co - authored with Shayeari Dutta. presented at the International Conference on ‘Text, Culture and Performance: Postcolonial Issues’ organized by Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies in collaboration with Centre for English Language, Central University of Jharkhand, Feb 2 - 4, 2012 . 2. ‘The Colonized Man’s Burden: Educatio n and its Ramifications on the Modern Woman in Colonial and Postcolonial India’, presented at the International Conference organized by Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies in collaboration with the University of Lucknow, Feb 7 - 9, 2013. 3. ‘ Preserving the Sacred: A Study of the Kolkata Durga Pujo in Juxtaposition with the Study of Kumortuli’, presented at at the International Conference on Margins,

1. Faculty Profile  Name: Hiya Chatterjee  Designation: Assistant Professor  Qualification: MA, MPhil, PhD  Subject/Department: English  Teaching Experience: 7 years  Email ID: chatterjeehiya89@gmail.com  Details of the Paper/Article published: 1. ‘ Performing Ambivalence: ‘Patachitra’ Art Form of Bengal’, co - authored with Shayeari Dutta in Muse India , Vol.60, ISSN 0975 - 1815 2. ‘ Towards Dissolving All Boundaries: A Study of Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide’ in Ideas and Ideologies international e - journal , Vol.2. no.5, ISSN 2320 - 7744 3. ‘Preserving the Sacred: A Study of the Kolkata Durga Pujo in Juxtaposition with the Study of Kumortuli’, co - authored with Shayeari Dutta in IACLALS journal , Vol.1, no.1, ISSN 0973 - 8737 4. ‘Art or Kitsch: A Study of the Graphic Novel as a Postmodern Literary Form’, in Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 1., No. 13, ISSN 0973 - 8737 5. Friendships Beyond Class: Female Desire in The End of Innocence and Sister of My Heart ’ in Lapis Lazul i, An International Literary Journal , Vol.9, No.1 Spring 2019, ISSN 2249 - 4529.


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