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Faculty Profile - Durba Basu

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2.  September 2020: ‘Towards a Postcolonial Pedagogy’: Paper presented at Rethinking the Postcolonial: Texts and Contexts, international conference organized by New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, and Department of English, Assam University, 25-27 September, 2020. Invited lectures/responses:  Invited lecture, Khejuri College, on ‘Language and Communication Skills,’ as part of the Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement Initiative on 11 August 2023  Invited response to Ruth Vanita’s lecture, ‘Translating Gender and Sexuality,’ organized by the Women’s Studies Research Centre and Department of English, University of Calcutta, 31 July 2023  Invited lecture at Khejuri College, ‘Climate change and literary studies’ on 14 September 2019  Invited lecture at Mrinalini Dutta Mahavidyapith, under the programme “The Professional Woman: Language of Empowerment” on 15 October 2015 Selected Awards and Honours:  2012-13 : Rosenthal Prize, awarded by Department of English, New York University, USA  2012-13: Molberger Fellowship, awarded by Department of English, New York University, USA  2006-11: Henry MacCracken Fellowship, awarded by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University, USA  2004: Parimal Chandra Bhadra Memorial Silver Medal and book prizes, Bethune College, India  2002: National Scholarship, awarded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India  2001: Principal’s Silver Medal, Bethune College  2001, 2000: Jogesh Chandra Bhattacharya Memorial Prize, Paresh Nath Sen Memorial Prize, Bethune Prize Special prize, and book prizes awarded by the Department of English, Bethune College

1. Faculty Profile Name: Dr Durba Basu Education: PhD (New York University, USA), MA (Jadavpur University) Designation: Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English Department: Department of English Details of papers/articles published:  Basu, Durba. (2024). ‘Teaching Macbeth in “Other” Places: Postcolonialism, Pedagogy and the Shakespeare Text in the Undergraduate Classroom.’ Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation. Volume 16, No. 3, Fall 2024, pp. 47-59. ISSN: 1554-6985. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18274/fv41wq06  Basu, Durba. (2020). ‘Towards a Postcolonial Pedagogy.’ New Literaria: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Volume 1, No. 2, November-December 2020, pp. 32-39 ISSN: 2582-7375. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.48189/nl.2020.v01i2.004  Basu, Durba. (2015). Literature review essay, ‘Literary studies in the era of world literature’ in Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, Fall 2015, Vol. 3 Issue 2, pp. 113-119. ISSN: 10731687 Details of book chapters published:  Basu, Durba. (2023). ‘Modernity and Life-writing in Ghare Baire and The Home and the World.’ Bengal-British Encounters: Text, Stage, Screen Eds. Aritrik Dutta Chowdhury, M. Mukherjee and P. Shah. 2023. Kolkata: Som Publishing. Pp. 72-77. ISBN: 978-93-87751-86-6  Basu, Durba. Vishwayaner kale sahitya pora o porano [‘Reading and teaching literature in the time of globalisation] in Sahitya, samaj, sanskriti, Eds. Parimal Mandal and Ranjan Mahato. 2023. Kolkata: Cognition Publications. Pp. 150-54. ISBN: 978-93-92205-32-3 Selected international conference presentations:  April 2023: ‘Re-imagining Linguistic and Literary Genealogy: The “Miscegenated” Poetics of Michael Madhusudan Dutt,’ paper presented at South Asian Literature and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, international conference  July 2021: ‘Teaching Macbeth in Other Places, or the Predicament of a Postcolonialist’: Invited paper presented at Seminar 11 “Non-English-language Shakespeares”, World Shakespeare Congress 18-24 July, 2021


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