

Govt. Aided General Degree College. Affiliated to Vidyasagar University


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6. Page 6 of 6 GE 4 - Bangla shishusahityer dhara (6 credits per week)  Students will get comprehensive knowledge about various lyrics of different period.  They will be acquainted with the various literatures for children.  Students will able to get concept of belles lettres of the 19th century.  They will able to learn about the characteristic, stylistic aspect of children’s literature and belle lettres.

5. Page 5 of 6 BNGHSEC 1 :Bangla byakaron O Anubad tattwa ( 2 credits per week)  Students will gain knowledge of bengali grammer elanorately.  Students will learn about translation theory. BNGHSEC2 - Bangla bhasa O Sahitya bishyak prokolpa racana O prakalpa patra upasthapana (2 credits per week)  Students will learn how to write a Project Paper. Students will also learn how to present paper in the seminar or Conference.  Enhancing the creativity of the students. GE 1 – Bangla bhasar bibhinno Star O Bangla Bjhasacharcha (6 credits per week)  Students will learn origin, development and characteristic of the Bengali language.  Students will be able to know about dialects and its characteristics.  Students will get idea regarding the classification and history of the Bengali language.  Students will learn Vocabulary, change of meaning, Case, Phonetic chsnges.etc.of Bengali language. GE 2 – Kavya Sahityer dhara O vaishnab Padabali Path (6 credits per week)  Students will learn about ancient and medieval history of Bengali literature.  Students will learn about modern Bengali poetry.  Students will know about Vaishnab Sahitya of Pre-Chaitanya and post-Chaitanya period. GE 3 - Upanyas O Chotogalpa Path (6 credits per week)  Students will learn definition, Origin, classifications, Characteristics of novels and Short stories and their difference.  Reflection of Social issues of 19th Century such as widow marriage and polygamy and its impact on human life  Students will aware about various problems and issues of human life and society through the different kind of Short stories and novels.

1. Page 1 of 6 Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya At+P.O.: Amdabad, P.S.: Nandigram, Dist.: Purba Medinipur, PIN 721650 DEPARTMENT OF BENGALI COURSE OUTCOMES OF HONOURS AND GENERIC ELECTIVE COURSES UNDER CBCS w.e.f. 2018-19 BNGHCC01: Bangla Bhasrudbhov O Parichay (6 credits per week)  Students will learn the origin, development and characteristics of the Bengali language.  Students will be able to know about dialects and their characteristics.  Students will get ideas regarding the classification and history of the Bengali language.  Students will learn vocabulary, change of meaning, case, phonetic changes etc. of Bengali language BNGHCC02: Bangla Sahityer Itihas (Pracin O madhyayug) (6 credits per week)  Students will be able to know about charyapada and its significance in Bengali literature.  Students will be able to find the literature of pre charya yug.  Students will learn the classification of Medieval literature.  Students will learn about S  Students will get an idea regarding the difference of pre-Chaitanya and post-Chaitanya literature.  Students will learn about 'Vaishnav' and 'Shakta' padabali and its significance. BNGHCC03: Pracin O Madhya juger Padapath (6 credits per week)  Students will learn the philosophy of Boudha sahajia sadhana and its reflection through Charyapada.  Students will be able to find the difference between pre-Chaitanya and post-Chaitanya Vaisnab padabali.  Students will learn Shakta dharma and its influence in the society of Bengal. BNGHCC04 : Chaitanya Jibani O Mangal kavya sahityapath (6 credits per week)  Students will learn about the life of Chaitanyadev.  Students will get a clear idea regarding the influence of Chaitanyadev on Bengali language and literature.

2. Page 2 of 6  Students will learn classification of Mangal kavya and its characteristics . Its significance in social perspective.  Students will able to find the social impact of Vhandimangal and Annadamangal BNGHCC05 - Unish O Bish Shataker Prabandha, Kavyasahityer itihas and Akhyan Sahitya Path (6 credits per week)  Students will learn about the origin of Bengali prose and its development.  Students will learn about modern Bengali literature, its characteristic and classifications.  Students will learn about the origin of Bengali poetry and its development. BNGHCC06: Chanda-Alankar O Nirbacita Kabita path (6 credits per week)  Students will know about prosody and its importance to create a poem.  Students will know the basic concept and classification of prosody. They will also know characteristics of different types of prosody.  Students will learn the classification of rhetoric and how to use it in poetry.  Students will know the idea of modern poetry and writers of the poetry in the beginning of the twelfth century. BNGHCC07: Prabandha Sahitya Path (6 credits per week)  Students will know about the development of essay writings and get the idea of the stylistic of the essay writers.  Students will able to make idea regarding socio-economic, political and cultural of Bengal. BNGHCC08: Unish O Bidh Shataker Natya O Katha Sahityer Itihas ebong Chotogalpapath (6 credits per week)  Learners will learn definition, classifications and characteristics of drama.  Students will learn how the Bengali drama impacts on the mind of the people of the Bengal and its development.  Students will know about the history of Bengali novel and getting idea of various novelist and their writings.  Students will know classification of novels and short stories and their characteristic.  Students will know the origin of the short stories and difference between novel and short stories.

4. Page 4 of 6 CBNGHCC13: Loksahitya (6 credits per week)  Students will learn the definition of loksahitya and its classification and characteristic.  Concept of field survey  Getting an idea regarding folk literature and urban literature.  Cultural, Rituals, religious practices of rural Bengal to be known by various folk literature. CBNGHCC14 Sanskrit, Ingreji o Pratibeshi Sahityer Dhara (6 credits per week)  Students will know about the history of Sansktit, English literature and other regional literature of the neighbor of the Bengal.  Influence of Sanskrit and English literature on Bengali writers and creations.  Comparative study between Bengali literature with other regional literature. BNGHDSE01: Pracin Sahityattawa O Sahityatattwik (6 credits per week)  Conception regarding the theory of ancient Indian Poetry and drama.  Students will learn about the life and works of various ancient Indian literary theorist. BNGHDSE02: Bangla Bitarkamulak, Soundarjatattwamulak ebong Bingyancetanamulak Granrtha path (6 credits per week)  Students will know about the researches of Jagadishchandra Bose.  Students will know Vidyasagar as a social reformar through Brajabilash.  Students will learn about concept of sculpture from Abanindranath Tagore's perspective. BNGHDSE03: Gadya sahitya Path (6 credits per week)  Students will know how was the bengali prose in the initial stage.  Students will get idea regarding Socio-economic, Political and Cultural atmosphere of 19th century.  Students will learn about the ethics. BNGHDSE04: Rabindrasahitya path (6 credits per week)  Students will able to know Rabindranath through his diffetent kind of writtings.  Conception regarding philosophy of Rabindrath through his drama and Poetry.

3. Page 3 of 6  Getting socio-economic, political and cultural ideas through different selected short stories incorporated in the syllabus. BNGHCC09: Kavya path (6 credits per week)  Students will know about the different forms of poetry onovated by Madhusudan and significance of Birangana Kavya in the Bengali literature.  Students will know about the reflection of Socio- political situation during first world war through Balaka Kavya.  Students will get idea regarding modern Poetry and poet as well through Banalata sen.  Students will relate to poems and prose. CBNGHCC10 - Upanyas Path (6 credits per week)  Students will know about the various typies of novels and its characteristics.  Students will know the philosophy and ideology of the creators through various novels.  Students will learn different kind of novels written in different time.  Students will learn about the evolution of the Bengali novel.  Know about the sub altern people of Bengal and their culture etc. through the novel 'Kabi'  Relation between history and literature through novel like 'Kapalkundala'.  Philosophy of Rabindranath regarding man-woman relationship through the novel 'Sheser kabita' CBNGHCC11: Natya path (6 credits per week)  Students will learn about various Bengali drama of 19th and 20th century.  Students will get idea regarding different types of drama through various selected dramas incorporated in the syllabus.  Students will get concept/knowledge regarding acting of the drama on the stage.  concepion or besic knowledge of the acting of the drama on the stage. CBNGHCC12: Pascattwa sahitya samaloconatattwa o Sahityer rupriti (6 credits per week)  Students will learn about the ancient and western Poetics.  Importance of 'Dhani' and 'Rasa' in the Bengali Poetry..  Students will be know about the vision and idea of literary revolution.  Influence of ancient literary theory in modern Bengali literature.


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