3. Page 3 of 3 BNGGSEC4 : Bishoybhittik Alocona O Aloconapatra Upasrhan (2 credits per week) Students will learn how to write a Project Paper.Students will also learn how to present paper in the seminar or Conference. BNGGGE1 : Sishusahitya O Goyenda Kahini (6 credits per week) Students will learn the history of Bengali children's literature. Students will know about the authors of the children's literature. Students will acquaint with the history of Rajputana from Abanindra Nath Tagore's s 'Rajkahini'. Conception of Tagore's philosophy and sense of humour through his writings. BNGGGE2: Prabandha O bhaman Kahini (6 credits per week) Students will learn about the Travel stories and Socio-Economic Conditions, manners, cultural practice of different people of lives in India and abroad. BNGGLC (MIL1) - Bangla Kabita O Choto Galpa (6 credits per week) Students will learn about the origin and development of Bengali poetry. They will know about Modern Bengali Poetry. They will learn different kind of Poetry written by different poets. Students will learn about the origin and development of Bengali short stories. They will know about Modern Bengali short stories. They will learn various short stories of different writers. BNGGLC (MIL 2) - Unish Shataker Bangla Prabandha O Loksahitya (6 credits per week) Students will know about the development of essay writing and get the idea of the stylistic of the essay writers. Students will able to make idea regarding socio-economic, political and cultural of Bengal. Students will learn the definition of loksahitya and its classification and characteristic. Concept of field survey Getting an idea regarding folk literature and urban literature.
2. Page 2 of 3 They will learn various proses on different themes. Students will be aware of various problems and issues of human life and society through the different kind of short stories and novels. BNGGCC4 - Sahityattawa O Sahitya Nirmal Kala (6 credits per week) Students will know about the Prosody and its imprtance to create a poem. Students will know the basic concept and classification of Prosody. They will also know characteristics of different types of Prosody. Students will learn the classification of rhetoric and how to use it in the poetry. Significance of 'Dhani' and 'Rasa' in the Bengali literature. BNGGDSE1 - Bangla Natak O Kabita (6 credits per week) Students will learn about the Origin and definition, classifications, Characteristics of Bengali Drama and poetry. They will learn drama based on Rajput history. Students will aware about various modern and post-modern poems. BNGGDSE2 - Prabandha O Bhraman kahini (6 credits per week) Students will know about the origin and history of literature based on travel. Reflection of German culture and writer’s experience BNGGSEC1 - Anubadtattwa O Srijansil Racana (2 credits per week) Students will gain knowledge of Bengali grammar elaborately. Students will develop their creative writing. BNGGSEC2: Bangla Dhanitatywa O Ruptattwa (2 credits per week) Students will learn Bengali grammar. BNGGSEC3 - Saili, Kabyasaili bicar,Gadya and Natya sailibicar (2 credits per week) Concept of stylistics, analysis of stylistic of Prose, Poetry and Drama.
1. Page 1 of 3 Swarnamoyee Jogendranath Mahavidyalaya At+P.O.: Amdabad, P.S.: Nandigram, Dist.: Purba Medinipur, PIN 721650 DEPARTMENT OF BENGALI COURSE OUTCOMES OF GENERAL COURSES UNDER CBCS w.e.f. 2018-19 BNGGCC1 – Bangla Sahityer Itihas O Bangla Bhasatattwa (6 credits per week) Students will learn origin, development and characteristic of the Bengali language. Students will be able to know about dialects and its characteristics. Students will get idea regarding the classification and history of the Bengali language. Students will learn Vocabulary, change of meaning, Case, Phonetic changes.etc .of Bengali language. Students will able to know about division of period of the Bengali literature. They will know about ancient and medieval literature. Students will learn the classification of medieval literature. Students will get idea regarding the difference of pre-Chaitanya and post-Chaitanya literature. They will learn about the Bengali literature of modern period. origin, history and development of the prose, poetry, novels and short stories. BNGGCC2 Kavya-Kavita (6 credits per week) Students will learn about 'Vaisnav' and 'Shakta' padabali and its significance. Students will learn about Bengali literature of medieval period. Students will know about Vaisnab sahitya of pre Chaitanya and post Chaitanya period. Students will get idea of religion and cultural aspect of the Vaisnab and Shakta Community. origin, history, development of Bengali poetry and difference between modern and pre modern Bengali poetry. Conception of modern and post modern Bengali Poetry. BNGGCC3 - Bangla Katha sahitya, Nayak O Prabandha (6 credits per week) Students will learn about the origin and definition, classifications, characteristics of Bengali drama, novels, prose and short stories. Students will learn Structure and stylistics of drama. They will learn drama based on part of moguls history.
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